Student Teaching:

Cooperating Teachers



Cooperating Teacher Resources


Education Department Mission

Student Teaching Outcomes

Responsibilities of Student Teachers

Increasing Student Teacher Responsibility

Responsbilities of Bethel Supervisors

Responsibilities of Cooperating Teachers

TPA Overview: Bethel PowerPoint

TPA Overview: YouTube Clip

Additional Resources: Bethel Education Dept.




Key Forms

Unit Plan Information

Both completed and blank unit plan forms for student teachers may be found at this link.

Observation Form

Complete this form twice during the experience and give a copy to the University Supervisor.

Program Evaluation

The Bethel University Education Department will send a form to complete at the end of the experience.




Management ideas


AAHPERD (Shape America)

Professional organizations, conferences, resources.

Education Standards

MN graduation standards, MN standards for teachers, national standards for K-12 physical education.

Minnesota Department of Education

Licensing information, job opportunities, workshops.